Friday, December 18, 2009

TGIF! Friday's are always a good thing...

Good day everyone... It is 3:44 a.m. on Friday.  I love Friday's.  No, I do not work anymore because of my Schizophrenia, but I still love Friday's.  No, I don't go out to party, I just love Friday's.  That means the weekend is here...there is something about the weekend that is comforting.  I am sure that many people feel this way.  I am working on multiple projects now, book writing, blogging, and working on my group for Schizophrenic's on Facebook.  It keeps me busy.  It also quells some of the paranoia.  Yes, I still get paranoid, quite easily at times.  Thank goodness for coping skills and medication.  I did not sleep very well last night, but that is not surprising.  I am also nursing a cold at the moment, which is highly annoying.  So, today I have decided to concentrate on my book writing and working with those who are also living with schizophrenia.  I concentrate on this every day, but today, I am dedicating the entire day to these projects.  My support group is growing, slowly, but is growing.  That's a good thing.  I know there are many of you out there that need support and guidance.  That is why I am here.  Little 'ol me.  Just trying to do my part to help fellow schizophrenics cope with day to day life.  This is no easy task, mind you.  It is quite rewarding though, and have made many good friends thus far.  I don't know how many of you suffer from cognitive issues because of schizophrenia.  I know that I do.  It is difficult to focus, stay on task, and as far as memory, well, the short term memory has some problems.  That is because of what schizophrenia does to the brain.  But, I try to work through this.  Maybe this is why college classes have become so difficult for me?  I am going to assume so.  I am just thankful I am able to take some college classes.  Considering my case history, this is quite a feat for me.  I really am thankful. 
Well, it is the last weekend to shop for Christmas if you celebrate this upcoming event.  This year should be a good year for me.  Past Christmas' have been...well... stressful.  I was in psychosis one year, and that was difficult.  I am glad that I am finally stable, after years of being up and down, between psychosis and hospitalizations.  I have my bad days, even weeks, but so far, no signs of psychosis.  Medication must be working well, and I am also using techniques that I have learned through therapy and other sources.  So, this year, I am looking forward to a nice, peaceful , relatively stress-free holiday.  Yule, which is the Winter Solstice, begins on the 21st.  I will be celebrating that, as I am Wiccan, in case you didn't already know that. 
Actually, I found my spiritual path, I believe, in part, due to my schizophrenia.  I will elaborate on this more later. 
I hope everyone has a good day, enjoy your Friday, enjoy life.  As always, I am always available if any of you need to talk... just send me an email, or if you are a Facebook user, link to the Facebook link below. Also, take some time to read my other blog, Mental Illness Awareness.  You will find information on all sorts of Mental Illnesses, and more.  Thanks for reading!  See you tomorrow....By the way, please bookmark this blog, and keep updated daily!  If you have any suggestions for me, please let me know.  I will be glad to incorporate them into this blog.  Until tomorrow friends!!!

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