Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back to business as usual???

Well, I hope you all had a nice holiday..... Overall my holiday was nice, however, I feel it is now "back to business" time...Meaning that it is back to doing what I normally do.  Because I am disabled by my mental illness,I have come to find that writing is a great coping mechanism and therapy for me.  I had a great night's sleep, for a change, and now I am just eager to get the house cleaned up and also eager to continue to disucss schizophrenia.  I received a few books over this season, concerning mental health and wellness and am eager to share what I learn from them.  On a sad note, I have had to cut back to two classes this semester, as I am trying to go to college, however, due to my illness, I have been unable to keep up with the demands and the social aspect of college.  I am 37, however, it is not my age slowing me down, it is my illness.  I have realized that my cognitive issues that surround schizophrenia have really hit me hard.  I am unable to have a "regular" job, due to multiple factors surrounding my illness.  Therefore, I have resorted to writing as part of my therapy, as it is an ongoing issue.  Coping.  This is a big part of my life.  I will, this coming year, be going into greater detail about therapies, coping skills and the like.  But for now, I am just focusing on the illness itself.  It is debilitating, for so many of us.  You see, people look at us on the outside, and say "you look fine to me" and things such as this, however, the truth is, on the inside we are not "fine" much of the time.  Socially, I have had many issues.  I am continuously at the psychiatrist's or in therapy, or with my community service provider, working through this illness.  Now, with the new laws that are being put into place, there is a chance I will lose my community support that I am so desparately in need of.  Of course, there are other options available, but what works for me, is being changed, so I am having to cope with that issue.  I am hopeful that everything will work out okay, because I have found that community support therapy helps me quite a bit.  Also, the disability services available at the local college help as well.  I will go into more details later on, however, I am just thankful that I am doing well with my medication and am able to continue to write.  I hope this will continue.  As the New Year approaches, I have decided not to make any resolutions, because I am already doing what I can.  Considering I have other associated disorders as well, it is best not to put undue pressure on myself with resolutions, etc.  Regardless of that, I am back to writing, and I am happy about that.  I will be talking about mood swings, emotional issues, cognitive issues and much more to come in the near future.  For all of those living with schizophrenia, as I am, just remember you are not alone. 

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